
Welcome to Elishebah, the creative portfoilo of Lisa Szekely. Discover where the power of music and the beauty of language come together. Join me on a journey of emotions, memories, and inspiration.

© 2023 Lisa Szekely. All rights reserved.

For the one adrift there is a shore




I hear you whisper, "Bring me word of your unfailing love

I wake within my refuge wrapped with cloths bereavement spun

The shroud was bound to be unraveled in the Sacred Heart of Christ

The Resurrection saved us both from a life undone

from "Unfailing Love" ©2021


A She saw his tears as they would fall,

Each glinting in his candle's light,

On the far bank of Lake Lethe.

Past eyeless fish, ripples spread wide.

If only he could now be reached!

What deal has left him here like this?

Love will not leave his soul in hell.

The ripples from her tears met his.

excerpt from "The Path from Lake Lethe"

It behooves us to remember to consider the source of information and to examine more than one viewpoint when looking for truth about anything, including the truth about God. - excerpt from "Receive God's Self-Revelation"



Learn more about Lisa Szekely and her passion for writing

Born in 1966, Lisa was always inspired by music and surrounded by a variety of musical genres from the radio, 8-track tapes, and vinyl she heard growing up near Chicago. Her parents and brother took her to many piano lessons and some guitar lessons. She also had an interest in writing, putting together primitive chap books. While attending the University of Arizona, she began to discover a path that would incorporate music and writing. She seeks to put on paper through song, poetry, prose and essays that which can reach the heart.


Get in touch with Lisa Szekely
